It’s Party time – Dad would have loved it!

Written by lyn.blackledge on. Posted in Events & networking, Wightbuzz

When asked why It's party time - my answer was becasue we can. At Wightbuzz we like having fun. We had a 4th birthday party at the beginning of December


4th Birthday


but we were all too busy to fit in a Christmas Party - not being one to miss out - I decided that today would be a good day for a party. My dad loved parties and I remember him running many a family party - wearing his "fez"

Such happy memories of a wonderful man. Today would have been his 94th birthday and so as he is not here to party - we can do the honours in his memory.

So tonight - some wightbuzz members and non members will come together to network and have fun. So often networking is done very seriously. In Wightbuzz, it is very informal and we like to enjoy ourselves as we network and get to know each other. The last meeting, when Paul, the Rodfather was a visitor - we had an amazingly lighthearted evening and Paul joined our happy group.

Debbie and Mark of Munch Bunch Catering are providing a scrummy buffet. Marie Smith is playing her saxaphone for part of the evening and we are meeting in Aspire - a great community builing (ex Holy Trinity- but now under going a great change to meet the community needs)

and so if you want to join the party pop over to Wightbuzz Party Night and sign up to join the fun. You will be glad you did.

It's party time - dad would have loved it - I'm sure he will smile down on us as we have a fantastic time. We even have some party games in amongst the networking.



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