And another successful evening of networking 

Written by lyn.blackledge on. Posted in Wightbuzz

Normally we meet on the first Tuesday of the month at LoveCoffee in Pyle Street in Newport. However granny duty called and I had to postpone the regular meeting for family matters. Therefore in November we met on the second Tuesday of the month. Our meetings are often reasonably small and intimate and allsorts of subjects are discussed. We do of course talk about each other's businesses in amongst trying to put the world to rights or discussing anything and everything else that comes past our radar. Networking is very much about relationship building. It is not something that you can do once and expect fantastic results. It's something that you need to do on a regular basis. It is a very cost effective way of growing your business. Wightbuzz  members tend to become marketeers for each other's businesses.

I like to encourage members to use the most up-to-date ways of promoting themselves. Live streaming and other forms of fear to go are proving to be fantastic ingrowing your audience.
Justin was happy to Facebook live about an event on Saturday.

We were delighted to welcome new faces and even more delighted that Waganoony has decided to join our wonderful little group. This is a business that could help busy dog owners, when they don't have time to walk the dogs as it is a dog walking business,
Serena Lin, a vintage singer joined us for the first time under our policy of try before you buy. She provided us all with CDs of her work and suffice it to say it was a very entertaining CD. One of the other members gave me a lift home and we played it on the car CD player. Serena has also been booked to play at one of the members birthday party is next month.
As usual, there was much fun and laughter, drinking of coffee and hot chocolate, and exchange of information. There were lots I love hints and tips shared and once again it was a most enjoyable networking evening hosted by Jennifer of love coffee. Networking is an important part of anybody's marketing mix. Word of mouth marketing is so important for business owners. And what better way of doing business that sitting drinking hot chocolate or coffee chatting and having fun while getting top tips and hints? Networking really is vital to the growth of any small business.

Wightbuzz has been helping small businesses for almost 6 years and has helped many business owners to make those all important connections. Next month we celebrate our six birthday and what better way than to have a birthday party? So it's time to start the planning. Who will join us for our six birthday party? Keep your eye open for information. Then come on and party with us.

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